Zhaoping Zhou(Fisher Allan)
- 周钊平
- male/1993
- Blog:https://blog.zhouzhaoping.com
- Github:https://github.com/zhouzhaoping
- Mail:[email protected]
- 兴趣:系统设计,中间件,机器学习,宏观经济,量化交易
- Peking University
- Master’s Degree,Computer Software Engineering
- 2015~2018
- Peking University
- Bachelor Degree,Computer Science
- 2011~2015
- General Game Playing
- GGP International Competition
- 2013~2014
- LeakFix
- “Safe Memory-Leak Fixing for C Programs” 37th International Conference on Software Engineering
- 2014~2016
- Sohu.com Ltd
- Development Engineer
- Jul,2018~now
- star8ker.com
- software architecture,backend development
- Jul,2018~Sep,2018
- Content Services
- performance optimization
- Oct,2018~Nov,2018
- 推荐引擎Kaleidoscope
- Service Integration
- Dec,2018~Jan,2019
- 文章中台存储KV系统Trove
- 系统设计+实现+部署+调优
- Mar,2019~now
- 资讯类产品Trace
- 算法+后端
- 14,Apr,2019
- 文章页及其相关服务
- 维护和改进
- Aug,2019~now
- 作者页
- 维护与迭代
- Aug,2019~Nov,2019
- 中台重构
- 负责feedservice模块,实现流管理
- Nov,2019~now
- star8ker.com
Skills & Endorsements
- language:golang/java/c/c++/python
- front-end:Bootstrap/Hexo
- back-end:grpc/spring boot/nginx/zend framework
- database:MySQL/Redis/Codis
- machine learning: sklearn
- tool:Docker/Svn/Git/markdown
- Soccer
- Runner-up of 2011 PKU Freshmen’s Cup football tournament
- Champion of 2017 PKU Graduate Student’s Cup football tournament
- Champion of 2017 PKU Cup football tournament
- Table tennis
- Certificate Level 3 for PKU table tennis Athlete